Sophie Martin

Aiswarya Sajeevan

PhD student


Aiswarya completed her integrated Bachelor's and Master's degrees in biology at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali in the summer of 2022. During her major years, she joined Dr.Shravan Kumar Mishra’s group at IISER to study the deubiquitinase enzyme-mediated cleavage of splicing regulator protein in fission yeast, Schizosacharomyces pombe. Eager to further her interest in fission yeast biology, she joined Martin lab in the Spring of 2023. Her research focuses on characterizing the role of the small rho family GTPase Cdc42 in fission yeast cell fusion. 

Apart from doing experiments, she loves picturing science through Sci-Art!

Funded by a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship

