More information
Since 2025 - Maitre d'enseignement et de recherche (MER) and Chargée de cours (CC)
Since 2021 - Senior Lecturer - Chargée de cours
Since 2015 - Co-group leader, UNIGE
2012-2015 - Senior Scientist at EPFL (Pierre Gonczy's lab)
2005- 2012 - Post-doc at EPFL (Pierre Gonczy's lab)
2004 - PhD at EMBL (Iain Mattaj's lab)
2024-2025 - Fondation Gelbert Grant
2023-2026 - HUG Confirm Grant
2022-2024 - Planetary Biology grant PlanExM - EMBL
2021-2025 - SNSF project grant (with PG)
2022-2025 - ISREC Tandem Grant
2020-2025 - ProVisu grants
Selected publications
Laporte MH, Gambarotto D., Bertiaux E., Bournonville L., Louvel V., Nunes JM, Borgers S., Hamel V.*, Guichard P.*
Hinterndorfer K.*, Laporte M.H.*, Mikus F.*, Tafur Petrozzi L., Bourgoint C., Prouteau M.,
Dey G.*, Loewith R.*,
Guichard P.*,
Hamel V.*
Journal of Cell Science -
Laporte M.H.*, Bouhlel I.B.*, Bertiaux E., Giroud A., Borgers S., Azimzadeh J., Hervé S., Fachinetti D., Conduit P.T., Bornens M., Guichard P.*, Paoletti A.* and Hamel V.*.
EMBO J. September 2022.
Van den Hoek H., Klena N., Alvarez G., Jordan MA, Schaffer M., Erdmann PS. Wan WN, Plitzko JN, Baumeister W., Pigino G.*, Hamel V.*, Guichard P.*, Engel BD.*
Science - July 2022.
Mercey O., Kostic C, Bertiaux E., Giroud A., Sadian Y., Chang N., Arsenijevic Y., Guichard P. *,
Hamel V.*
PLOS Biology. June 2002
Steib E., Laporte MH, Gambarotto D., Olieric N., Zheng C., Borgers S., Olieric V., Le Guennec M., Koll F., Tassin AM, Steinmetz MO, Guichard P.*, Hamel V.*
A helical inner scaffold provides a structural basis for centriole cohesion. Le Guennec M†, Klena N.†, Gambarotto D.†, Laporte MH †, Tassin AM, Van den Hoek H., Erdmann PS, Schaffer M., Kovacik L., Borgers S., Goldie KN, Stahlberg H., Bornens M., Azimzadeh J., Engel BD#,
Hamel V.* and Guichard P.*
Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM). Gambarotto D. ##, Zwettler F. U. ##, Schmidt-Cernohorska M. , Fortun D. , Borgers S. , Heine J. , Schloetel J. G. , Reuss M. , Unser M. , Boyden E.S. , Sauer M. *,
Hamel V. * and Guichard P.*.