

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 20.32.52.jpg
 Mikus F.",  Rubio Ramos A.", Shah H.", Olivetta M., Borgers S., Hellgoth J., Saint-Donat C.,  Araújo M., Bhickta C., Cherek P., Bilbao J., Txurruka E., Leisch N., Schwab Y.,  Husnik F.,  Seoane S., Probert I., Guichard P.*, Hamel V.*, Dey G.*, Dudin O.*
BioRxiv - October 2024 -Link
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Pfister JA, Agostini L, Bournonville L., Sankaralingam P., Bell ZG., Hamel V., Guichard P., Biertumpfel C., Mizuno N,  O'Connell KF
BioRxiv - October 2024 -Link
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Bournonville L., Laporte M.H., Borgers S.,  Guichard P.*,  Hamel V.*
BioRxiv - October 2024 -Link
Guguin J, Chen TY,  Besson A,  Cuinat S,  Bertiaux E, Boutaud L, Ardito N, Murguiondo MI, Cabet S,  Hamel V, Thomas S, Pain B,  Edery P,  Putoux A,  Tang TK,  Mazoyer S,  Delous M.
Plos Genetics - Dec 2024 -Link
Journal of Cell Science- October 2024 -Link
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Mercey O.,  Gadadhar S.,  Magiera MM, Lebrun L.,  Kostic C., Moulin A.,  Arsenijevic Y.,  Janke C.*,  Guichard P.*,  Hamel V.*
EMBO J.- April 2024 -Link
Ganga AK, Sweeney LK,  Rubio-Ramos A, Bishop C.S., Hamel V,  Guichard P,  Breslow DK.
Current Biology - September 2024 - Link
Burdet V.*, Bournonville L.*, Das M., Wenger E., Delattre M., Steiner FA§, Guichard P.§, and Hamel V.§
microPublication Biology - April 2024 - Link 
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Mercey O.#, Mukherjee S. #, Guichard P.*, Hamel V.*
Current Opinion in Cell Biology - June 2024 -Link
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Laporte MH, Gambarotto D., Bertiaux E., Bournonville L., Louvel V., Nunes JM, Borgers S., Hamel V.*, Guichard P.* 
Cell - April 2024 -Link
Arsenijevic Y., Chang N., Mercey O., El Fersioui Y., Koskiniemi-Kuendig H., Joubert C., Rivolta C., Sharon D., Guichard P., Hamel V., Kostic C.
EMBO Molecular Medecine - March 2024 -Link
Louvel V., Haase R., Mercey O., Laporte M.H., Soldati-Favre D., Hamel V.*, Guichard P.*
Nature communications -November 2023-  Link
Arslanhan M.D., Cengiz-Emek S., Odabas E., Steib E.,  Hamel V.,  Guichard P.,  Firat-Karalar E.N.
Journal of Cell Biology   - November 2023 - Link
Klena N., Maltinti G., Batman U., Pigino G. *, Guichard P.*, and Hamel V*
Bio-protocol September 2023 
<Review in french>
Laporte MH, Bertiaux E., Hamel V.*, Guichard P.*
médecine/sciences -  April 2023 - Link
Eloy T., Baudrier E., Laporte M., Hamel V., Guichard P. , Fortun D.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging - April 2023 -Link 
Muroňová J., Kherraf ZE, Giordani E., Eckert S., Cazin C., Amiri-Yekta A. , lambert E., Chevalier G., Martinez G., Neirijnck Y., Kühne F., Wehrli L., Klena N., Hamel V.,  Escoffier J.,  Guichard P., Coutton C., Fourati Ben Mustapha S., Kharouf M., Zouari R., Thierry-Mieg N.,  Nef S., Geimer S., Loeuillet C.,  Ray P.,  Arnoult C.
eLIFE - April 2023- Link
Probing the sub-cellular mechanisms of LCA5-Leber Congenital Amaurosis and associated gene therapy with expansion microscopy
Faber S.* Mercey O.*, Junger K., Garanto A., Ueffing M.,  Collin R.W.J. , Boldt K., Guichard P.*,  Hamel, V.*, Roepman R.*
JCI Insight - April 2023 - Link 
Hamel V.*, Guichard P. *, Hirono M.*
The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook. Volume 3: Cell Motility and Behavior. 3rd Edition.
Feb 2023Link
Deficiency of the minor spliceosome component U4atac snRNA secondarily results in ciliary defects in human and zebrafish. Khatri D.,  Putoux A.,  Cologne A., Kaltenbach S., Besson A., Bertiaux E., Guguin J., Fendler A.,  Dupont M.A., Benoit-Pilven C. , Grotto S., Ruaud L.,  Michot C: , Castelle M., Guët A., Guibaud L., Hamel V., Bordonné R.,  Leutenegger AL.,  Attié-Bitach T., Edery P.,  Mazoyer S.,  Delous M.
PNAS - Feb 2023. Link


Hinterndorfer K.*, Laporte M.H.*, Mikus F.*,  Tafur Petrozzi L., Bourgoint C., Prouteau M.,  Dey G.*, Loewith R.*,  Guichard P.*,  Hamel V.*
Journal of Cell Science - Dec 2022. Link



Laporte M.H.*, Bouhlel I.B.*, Bertiaux E., Giroud A., Borgers S., Azimzadeh J., Hervé S., Fachinetti D., Conduit P.T., Bornens M., Guichard P.*, Paoletti A.* and Hamel V.*. 
EMBO J. September 2022. Link


Le Borgne P.Laporte M.H.Greibill L.Lemullois M.Temagoult M.Rosnet O.Le Guennec M.Lignières L.Chevreux G.Koll F.Hamel V.Guichard P.Tassin AM. 

PLOS Biology - September 2022. Link

Van den Hoek H., Klena N., Alvarez G., Jordan MA, Schaffer M., Erdmann PS. Wan WN, Plitzko JN, Baumeister W., Pigino G.*, Hamel V.*, Guichard P.*, Engel BD.*
Science - July 2022. Link



Mercey O., Kostic CBertiaux E.Giroud A.Sadian Y.Chang N.Arsenijevic Y.Guichard P. *Hamel V.*
PLOS Biology. June 2002. Link


 Laporte M.H., Klena N., Hamel V* and Guichard P*.
 Nature Methods. Jan 2022. Link open access


Guichard P.*, Laporte MH, Hamel V.*
Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Dec 9.
Hatzopoulos GN, Kükenshöner T, Banterle N, Favez T, Flückiger I, Hamel V, Andany S, Fantner GE, Hantschel O, Gönczy P.

 Nature communications. June 2021. Link open access 



Bertiaux A., Balestra A., Bournonville L., Brochet M. *, Guichard P. *, Hamel V. * 

PLOS Biology. Link open access - BiorXiv - Prelights


f3332cf7a561f756f5a2970842b6d60c_f329.png Characterization of the Novel Mitochondrial Genome Segregation Factor TAP110 in Trypanosoma brucei.

Amodeo S.Kalichava A.Fradera-Sola A.Bertiaux-Lequoy E.Guichard P.Butter F.Ochsenreiter T.

                                    Journal of Cell Science. Link JCS BiorXiv - Prelights

Le Guennec M.†, Klena N.†, Hamel V.* and Guichard P.*
Current Opinion in Structural Biology. Review. February 2021

9d0257afef47539e64666549013b189a_f320.pngThe architecture of the centriole cartwheel-containing region revealed by cryo-electron tomography.

Klena N., Le Guennec M., Tassin AM, Van den Hoek H..Erdmann PS, Schaffer M., Geimer S., Aeschlimann G., Kovacik L., Goldie KN,  Stahlberg H. , Engel BD*, Hamel V.* and Guichard P.
EMBO J. September 2020 - Link open access- Link BiorXiv


Novel features of centriole polarity and cartwheel stacking revealed by cryo-tomography

Nazarov S.Bezler A.Hatzopoulos G.,Nemčíková Villímová V.Demurtas D.Le Guennec M.Guichard P.Gönczy P.  

EMBO J. September 2020 - Link Open Access - Link BiorXiv.


 Steib E., Laporte MH, Gambarotto D., Olieric N., Zheng C., Borgers S., Olieric V., Le Guennec M., Koll F., Tassin AM, Steinmetz MO, Guichard P.*, Hamel V.*  

eLIFE, September 2020. Link open access - link BioRxiv


e25817f31b024fb913122dcbc366fc3e_f330.pngImproving the resolution of fluorescence nanoscopy using post-expansion labeling microscopy.

Hamel V.* and Guichard P.*

Methods in Cell Biology, August 2020. Link

Gambarotto D., Hamel V.*Guichard P.*
Methods in Cell Biology, July 2020. Link
72e60e9d6273c4738877ad5abb46cd02_f298.jpgMolecular resolution imaging by post-labeling expansion single molecular localization microscopy (Ex-SMLM).Zwettler F.U.Reinhard S.Gambarotto D., Bell T.D.MHamel V.*Guichard P.*Sauer M.* 
Nature communications., July 2020. Link open access - BiorXivPrelights - Press release
Homogeneous multifocal excitation for high-throughput super-resolution imaging.Mahecic D., Gambarotto D., Douglass K.M., Fortun D., Banterle N., Le Guennec M., Ibrahim K., Gonczy P., Hamel V., Guichard P.., Manley S.
Nature Methods, June 2020. Link open access
 Tosetti N., Dos Santos Pacheco N., Maco B., Bournonville L., Hamel V., Guichard P., Soldati-Favre D. 
eLife. May 2020 Link open access
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Science Advances. Feb 2020 Link open access - Unige press release


ceb77e383c200eab610e1644c4f4ea64_f243.png The RB530 antibody recognizes microtubules by immunofluorescence
Eloïse Bertiaux-Lequoy, Philippe Hammel, Virginie Hamel, Paul Guichard.
Antibody reports. Sept 2019. Link open access



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Science. Jan 2019. Link open access ReprintFull text 



Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM).  Gambarotto D. ##, Zwettler F. U. ##, Schmidt-Cernohorska M. , Fortun D. , Borgers  S. , Heine J. , Schloetel J. G. , Reuss M. , Unser M. , Boyden E.S. , Sauer M. *, Hamel V. * and  Guichard P.*. 
Nature Methods. 2019. Link open access - Preprint - Prelights - Press release



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JoVE. (139), e58109, doi:10.3791/58109. Open Access


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IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2018 May;37(5):1235-1246.  Open Access


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Bioessays. 2018 Apr;40(4):e1700241.  Open Access


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Nature. 2017 Oct 12;550(7675):265-269. Unige press release


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Curr Biol. 2017 Aug 21;27(16):2486-2498.e6. Open Access


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Nat Commun. 2017 Mar 23;8:14813.  Open Access


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Structure. 2016 Aug 2;24(8):1358-1371. Open Access


Klein HCGuichard PHamel VGönczy PSchwarz US
Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 8;6:27075.  Open Access
D Fortun, P Guichard, N Chu, M Unser 
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2016
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Nat Cell Biol. 2016 Apr;18(4):393-403. 


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Cilia. 2016 Mar 1;5:9. Review. Open Access




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Guichard PHamel VNeves AGönczy P
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Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Aug 29;5(10):3326-36. Open Access 



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Curr Biol. 2013 Sep 9;23(17):1620-8. 


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Science. 2012 Aug 3;337(6094):553. 



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Guichard PChrétien DMarco STassin AM
EMBO J. 2010 May 5;29(9):1565-72. 



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J Biol Chem. 2010 Mar 19;285(12):8759-70. 

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