
Contact / Jobs


Motivated and talented PhDs in structural biology, cell biology or biochemistry are encouraged to apply. Candidates should consider to apply for external funding sources such as FEBS, EMBO, HFSP, Marie Curie, etc. In case you are interested please contact us for further details. 


PhD Student

If you are interested to join the lab, please apply to the International PhD school of Life Sciences at the faculties of Medecine and Science:


Master Student

We are seeking an enthusiastic and highly motivated master student to study the centriole structure and assembly using Expansion microscopy and cryoEM.  If you are interested to join the lab, please contact Paul or Virginie for further details.

Dr. Virginie Hamel
Prof. Paul Guichard

Dept. Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Geneva
Sciences III
Quai Ernest Ansermet 30
1205 Geneva

Tel. +41 22 379 6750
Fax. +41 22 379 6442