Personal Information
Born 09.01.1983, Cologne, Germany
Scientific Interests
Cell cycle regulation | Energy metabolism | Macromolecular machines | Cryo-electron microscopy | Structural Biology
Since 12/2018
Assistant Professor at University of GenevaDepartment of Molecular Biology
Investigator Scientist at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, CambridgeStructural Studies Division
Education and Training
Postdoc with David BarfordMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom
PhD (“summa cum laude”) with Elisa IzaurraldeDepartment Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Tuebingen, Germany
Diploma in BiologyFriedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany
2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship
2014 European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Long-term fellowship
2014 Career development fellowship MRC-LMB
2009 Predoctoral fellowship Max Planck Society
Institutional Responsibilities at University of Geneva
since 04/2019 Co-Coordinator of the LSSS lecture series
since 04/2019 PhD Program Co-director Molecular Biosciences
since 12/2018 Co-Organizer cryoEM facility platform (cryoGEnic)
06/2019 Novartis Foundation for Medical-Biological Research; Project Grant
05/2019 Fondation Ernst et Lucie Schmidheiny; Project Grant
04/2019 Swiss National Science Foundation; Project Grant
03/2019 Start-up grant University of Geneva
Invited Scientific Talks
06/2022 - DCI Symposium, Geneva + Lausanne, Organiser
11/2021 - Friedrich Miescher Laboratory (FMI) YISS, Speaker
10/2021 - Harvard Medical School (HMS), Boston, Speaker
10/2021 - Columbia University, NYC, Speaker
09/2021 - Biozentrum Basel, Speaker
07/2021 - Faculty of Medicine at UNIGE, Speaker
06/2021 - Salk Institute Cell Cycle meeting, Speaker
11/2020 - PhD retreat "International Max Planck Research school Tübingen", Speaker
06/2020 - Forum – PhD School of Life Sciences Fondation Louis-Jeantet, Geneva, Session chair
PhD course seminar: Introduction into cryo-electron microscopy, Speaker
06/2019, 3D Electron Microscopy, Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), Hong-Kong, Keynote lecture
03/2019, Seminar series, Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Invited speaker
02/2019, Seminar series, FMI for Biomedical Research, Basel, Invited speaker
01/2019, “SFB 969 -Kolloquium”, University of Konstanz, Invited speaker
Organization of Conferences
2020 Inaugural cryoEM symposium "Advances in Electron Microscopy – Single Particle Analysis, Electron Diffraction & Cellular Tomography" (cryoGEnic 2020), Organiser
2019 70. Mosbacher Colloquium "High-resolution imaging of cells and molecules", Session chair
Pierre Raia (since 06/2019)
Jun Yu (since 04/2019-9/2019)
PhD students
Lina Poulain (since 11/2018)
Anna Höfler (since 11/2018)
Master theses
we are open for applications!
Summer students
Alina Astourian (2019)
Reviewing Activity
since 2021 Reviewer for Reviewer for Molecular Biotechnology (MOBI)
since 2021 Reviewer for Reviewer for Protein Science
since 2021 Reviewer for Reviewer for Communications Biology
since 2019 Reviewer for Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (NSMB)
Memberships in Scientific Societies
since 2020 Member of "LS2 Life Science Switzerland"
since 2012 Member of "Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V." (GBM)
2011-2014 RNA Society Member