Events & Symposiums

Tight Junctions, from Structure and Development to Therapeutics


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Symposium overview

Tight junctions (TJs) are a hallmark of epithelial and endothelial tissues, where they play a major role in barrier function. Recently, exciting discoveries have begun to clarify how tight junction (TJ) self-assemble, what is the structural basis for TJ barrier selectivity and how TJs are implicated in development and disease. These discoveries were driven by new technological developments in the fields of imaging, structural biology, membrane biophysics, and animal models. There is growing excitement and recognition that we are beginning to understand the interplay between structure and functions of TJs, from development to therapeutics. The goal of this Workshop is to collect together the communities of TJ researchers from Europe, USA and Japan, with the aim of fostering information exchange and generation of new ideas and collaborations on a wide range of cutting-edge topics, ranging from structural biochemistry and computational analysis of the functions of key TJ proteins, to the role of TJs from development to therapeutics. By bringing together scientists from different fields with complementary state of the art expertise we aim to build new connections between world scientists, with the goal of advancing our mechanistic understanding of TJ biology and their implications in physiology and pathology.


  • Structure, computational analysis, and biophysics of tight junction proteins
  • Mechanobiology of tight junctions
  • Tight junctions in morphogenesis and development 
  • Signaling to and from tight junctions
  • Tight junctions in physiology
  • Pathology of tight junctions 
  • Tight junctions as targets for therapeutics

Dates: 4-8 June 2023

Location: Hotel Alpine Classic, Leysin (VD), Switzerland


Abstract Submission: 1 May 2023

Registration: 7 May 2023


Sandra Citi
University of Geneva

Eric Feraille
University of Geneva

Michael Koval
Emory University, USA


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